Clock Tower Struck by Lightning

A lightning struck the 104 stories tall One World Trade Center on 4/1/2023,100 months, 4 weeks (1004) after its opening in a similar fashion a lightning struck the Clock Tower in Back to the Future at exactly 10:04 on 11/12/1955, lightning that charged the DeLorean sending it to 88 mph, 808 months before the lightning struck the One World Trade Center

The One World Trade Center's top floor is officially designated as floor 104, despite the fact that the tower only contains 94 actual stories. 10/4 is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Pope Francis, the first to call himself Francis, after the Saint of Assisi, and the first Pope belonging to the Society of Jesus Pope, left the hospital a day before the lightning struck the One World Trade Center a span of 187 days after the anniversary of the founding of the Society of Jesus and 187 days before 10/04, Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi

The prime factorisation of 187 is 11x17 while 187th prime number is 1117

The event took place on 4/1, Francis in Latin (Popes officially have a Latin name), is Franciscus

The lightning struck 3671 days after the papal election of Francis which occurred on 3/13/2013

Notice that Marty arrives at the Lone Pine Mall, which is the blatant symbolic representation of the One World Trade Center, at 1:33 that reversed is 331 as 3/31, the day Papa Francisco came out of the hospital, worth mentioning the fact that Back to the Future III is coded with San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge.

And let’s not forget that Donald Trump was indicted on the same day of the news of the Pope and that he went to a Jesuit school and he is heavily coded thorough the Back to the Future Trilogy

Some more intriguing connections:

It is the 483rd year since the official founding of the Society of Jesus and the lightning struck 483 weeks after the opening of the One World Trade Center


Saint Francis of Assisi died in 1226 and the lightning struck 120 months, 2 weeks, 6 days after the election of Pope Francis

It was also 10 years, 19 days since Francis’ election and the One World Trade Center was built as a result of the 9/11 attacks

The One World Trade Center is 1776 feet tall, in honour of the founding year of the United States

Doesn’t the Clock Tower look like St. Peter’s Basilica?

If you want to find more about this, and many other topics (and support my work) check out my two books

The Secret Timeline

Tempore Mali

The content of The Secret Timeline is briefly introduced in the pinned post on my Twitter profile, @GematriaCodex.

The preview of “Tempore Mali” is available for free on the Internet Archive at this link:


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