FIFA World Cup 2022, Argentina-France

The final match will be played on the date 12/18 in Lusail, Qatar, at the Lusail Iconic Stadium on the 352nd day of the year

The referee of the final will be Szymon Marciniak

Marciniak was born on 1/7/1981, he will be 15321 days old for the event that will take place 1 day after the first Argentine Pope’s 86th birthday 

Argentina won its last World Cup in ‘86. The referee of the final in ‘86 was Romualdo Filho, born on January 7, 1939, 42 exact years before Marciniak. Marciniak is in his 42nd year of age

January 7 is 1/7, written like the number 17

59 is the 17th prime

Lionel Scaloni is the manager of Argentina

153 is the 17th triangular number

The final will be held 17071 after the Argentine Coup d’Etat of March 26, 1976, that deposed President Isabel Peron

The referee Marciniak will be 21 days before his 42nd birthday

12/18 is the 352nd day of the year

12/18 is 3502 days since the death of Argentine dictator Jorge Rafael Videla, general and politician, dictator and de facto 42nd president of Argentina between 1976 and 1981, during the military regime known as the National Reorganization Process, responsible for crimes against humanity for the murder of the desaparecidos.

Isabel Peron will be 33,555 days old on 12/18

Messi’s full name is Lionel Andres Messi Cucittini

201 and 666 are highly significative esoteric numbers for occultists and the Jesuits


The Lion of Judah is a Jewish national and cultural symbol, traditionally regarded as the symbol of the tribe of Judah. The association between the Judahites and the lion can first be found in the blessing given by Jacob to his fourth son, Judah, in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible. The Lion of Judah symbolises the victorious Messiah.


The first match of Argentina at the World Cup was held on 11/22 when football legend Pelè was 985 exact months of age

From Revelation 13:18

και ο αριθμος αυτου χξϚ’ (and his number is 666) 

Ιησούς Χριστός (Jesus Christ) 

The final match in Lusail on 12/18 falls 74 years, 7 months, 4 days after the founding of the state of Israel 

The Superior General of the Jesuits, Arturo Sosa Abascal was appointed on 10/14/2016, exactly 6 years, 66 days before the final on 12/18

On 12/18 Messi will be 6 months, 6 days after his birthday and 26 weeks, 6 days before his 36th birthday

Pope Francis is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church

Messi received his first Ballon d’Or 13 years, 18 months before the final of World Cup 2022

Or 4766 days

Revelation 13:18 is about the number of the beast 666. 666 is 476 in duodecimal (base 12)

Revelation 13:18 

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. 

Messi scored his first goal on 5/1/2005, on the 229th anniversary of the founding of the Order of Illuminati, namely the Bavarian Illuminati

Revelation 13:18 is the 229th verse of the Book of Revelation

Lionel Scaloni, Argentina’s manager was born on 5/16/78 date that leaves 229 days in the year

229 is the 50th prime.

The numerology of Scaloni’s birth (118 and 46) matches “World Cup 2022”, almost like he was born for this event.

Scaloni was born on 5/16

The date 12/18/2022 has a multiplicative numerology of 128. Messi’s full name is Lionel Andres

Lionel Scaloni was born when Arturo Sosa was 10777 days of age

On 12/18 Scaloni will be 44 years, 216 days old

Scaloni was born 2160 weeks, 6 days after Jorge Mario Bergoglio




666=36th triangular number


13=6th prime

Messi debuted in football on 8/17/2005, 12/18/2022 is the 6333rd day of his career

If Scaloni=44 RFR wins the final on 12/18 he will win his 44th career match with Argentina=44 FR at the FIFA World Cup which has a prize of 440 million dollars at the age of 44, 477 days before the next Great American Total Solar Eclipse of 4/8/2022. 4, 7=4th prime, 7=4th prime, 477=444. 

Scaloni was born 40 days before Argentina won its first World Cup in ‘78. The name Argentina comes from the Latin word used for silver, Argenti

The World Cup 2022 Final match of 12/18 falls 1444 months, 4 days from Uruguay-Argentina, ended 0-6, of 7/20/1902, Argentina’s first international match

The Argentinian Eclipse of 12/14/202” occurred at the exact middle point between the Great American Eclipses which are separated by a span of 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days or 2423 days. 2423 is the 360th prime number.

Maradona died 24 months, 23 days before the World Cup 2022 Final match on 12/18

2423 is the 360th prime.

The ball is a sphere, thus a circle if represented in two dimensions. A circle has 360 degrees. 360 is linked to the circle, the circle to Pi, Pi to the Eclipse Code and the Eclipse Code to the Jesuit Order, thus coming full circle.

On the day of the Argentine eclipse the Pfizer-Biontech COVID-19 Vaccine was approved by FDA and the first vaccination took place in New York during yet another numeric ritual. 

The final will be Messi’s 832nd career match

Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer will be 22339 days old for the Final

As of today, 12/17/2022, the WHO reports 9,77 million cases of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. 977.

And 130K total deaths, the final match of 12/18 will be held on a date that leaves 13 days in the year. Bergoglio was elected on 3/13/13, cant get more 13s than that.

The final takes place 477 days before the next Great American Eclipse on 4/8/2024. I discussed the importance of the number 477 in my last book, “The Secret Timeline”.

The match will take place the first day of Pope Franc(e)is 86th year of age, 77 months, 4 days after the Nice massacre that killed 86 and wounded more than 400 

Messi’s became the youngest player of La Liga with Barcelona 6636 days before the 86th birthday of Pope Francis on 12/17, the eve of the Final on 12/18

Final match to be played 63 months, 3 weeks, 6 days after the first Twin American Eclipse

Revelation 13:18 is the 229th verse of the Book of Revelation, leaving 175 verses before the end of the Bible. Messi was born on 6/24/1987, on the 175th day of the year. The 666th verse of the Bible says that Abraham lived to be 175.

The prime factorisation of 175 is 5x5x7

557 is the 102nd prime number

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on a leap year. If we count Bergoglio’s age from his first full day alive, 12/18/36, then Messi was born when Bergoglio was 606 months, 6 days old

Messi scored his first goal on May 1st, 2005, when Jorge Mario Bergoglio was 3567 weeks, 3 days old

Messi will win the World Cup with Argentina on the 3567th day since Pope Francis’ election

377 is the 14th Fibonacci number

Messi wears the number ten. Ten in Argentine is “Dies”

3x3x7 is the prime factorisation of 147

Messi was born on 6/24/1987, the 270th anniversary of the founding of Freemasonry. The two Lionel to win the World Cup on a ritual based on the Argentinian Pope 305 years, 5 months, 25 days after the founding of Freemasonry 

Messi was born 30350 days after the founding of FIFA

Between the Argentinian Eclipse of 12/14 and 12/18, the final, there is a span of 104 weeks. 

Argentina played its first World Cup 2022 match 104 exact weeks after Maradona’s death. Lost 1-2 against Saudi Arabia, huge disappointment.

10/4 is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first Pope from Argentina, the first Jesuit and the first to choose the name Francis. Moreover St. Francis is the patron of Italy. Italy is not at the World Cup 2022 because they haven’t qualified. That’s the confirmation of Argentina’s win.

Maradona died when Messi was 401 months, 1 day old

Messi signed a 104 million dollars contract with Paris Saint Germain, his current football club, when Cristiano Ronaldo was 36 years, 6 weeks, 6 days old

Or 13336 days old

Argentina won its first World Cup 108 exact months before Messi’s birth

Cristiano Ronaldo’s twin died on the 108th day of the year, on 4/18/2022

Ronaldo was 37 years, 73 days old

Ronaldo signed with Manchester United 33 exact weeks before his twin son’s death

Cristiano Ronaldo signed with Manchester United when Messi was 410 months, 1 week old

Messi will score the 696th goal of his career on the final Argentina-France of 12/18/22

Diego Armando Maradona, Argentina’s most famous soccer player was born 88,882 days after the founding of Freemasonry. That’s remarkable, people predestined to be influential are chosen based on their birthday, especially if it synced with such an important date.

Maradona died on 11/25/2020, date that leaves 36 days before the end of the year. Argentina won its last World Cup in ‘86, 36 years ago. The Argentine Pope born in ‘36 will celebrate his 86th birthday one day before the final on 12/17/2022. Argentina started this World Cup with a streak of 36 positive matches, not a single loss. They have lost on the first match of this World Cup against Saudi Arabia on 11/22. Lose the first, Win the last, maybe. 

Bergoglio is the first to take the name Francis, which means Frenchman, Frank; free man (Freemason?). 

Argentina meets France 1 day after the birthday of the first Pope Francis in history, who is Argentine.

December ‘22 is the 3666th month since the founding of Freemasonry with the Grand United Lodge of England

Bergoglio is the first Jesuit Pope and the first from the Americas. The emblem of the Jesuits is a black sun, an eclipse, and the Christogram, IHS (Iesus Hominum Salvator)

Diego Armando Maradona died when Pope Francis was 30660 days old

On 12/18/2022 football legend Pelè will be 30,006 days old

Pelè was born on 10/23 the same date of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits 

While in Qatar Messi is staying in room 201. Pope Francis stays in Room 201 of the Vatican Hotel Domus

Sanctae Martae=201 English Ordinal, he is the first Pope to do so.

Argentina won the Finalissima, UEFA Comenbol, against Italy, on 6/1/2022, 201 days before 12/18 the World Cup ‘22 Final

The Finalissima was held on 6/1, 6266 days since the death of Pope John Paul II

The Final will be held 6466 days after Pope John Paul II’s death

France played its first match of the World Cup 2022 winning 4-1, 201 years, 201 days after the death of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the most famous freemason ever

Argentina lost its first match on 11/22, the 59th anniversary of the death of JFK

Le Grand Orient the France, the first Masonic Lodge of France was founded 91122 days before the final match on 12/18

Just 3 days before the final match the White House released thousands of documents on the JFK assassination 

Maradona died 20,823 days after the JFK assassination 

12/18 is 1013 days since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared by WHO

Recall how Argentina comes from the Latin Argenti which means Silver. Gold is associated with the sun while Silver with the Moon. 

Bergoglio was made Bishop 28 years, 218 days after the killing of JFK on 11/22/1963. The date of the final of the World Cup 2022 12/18 entails the number 218 which is the number of the Moon in Hebrew.

Maradona’s name was Diego Armando

The Moon eclipses the Sun. 

Louis XIV of France, known as King Sun, died 90,666 days before the burial of JFK on 11/25/1963.

Kennedy was killed on the 3333rd week of the XX century, which began exactly 66,666 days before the founding of Freemasonry with the United Grand Lodge of England

JFK was assassinated 90,000 exact days after the founding of Freemasonry

The Jesuit Order was suppressed by Pope Clement XIV with the accuse of conspiracy, on July 21 of the same year. Pope Clement died on September 22, 1774. The 86th birthday of the first Jesuit Pope in history is today, 90,666 days after the death of Clement XIV

The United Grand Lodge of England recognised the LandLodge of Germany on 11/30/1773

The Russo-Ukrainian war began 90,666 after 11/30/1773

The World Cup Final of 12/18 will be held on the 297th day since the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war

The final will be held 1013 days since the declaration of COVID-19 Pandemic

10/4, October 4, is the Feast of Saint Francis

12/18 marks 112239 days since the death of King Sun. 11/22, the death of JFK.

Recall how Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer, frontman of the Corona-Eclipse vaccine ritual, is 22339 days on 12/18. Eclipsis Argenti, Silver Eclipse in Latin

JFK was killed on 11+22+19+63=115

Maradona died 57 exact years after the burial of JFK

Maradona was born 17770 exact weeks (7 days) after the founding of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires

Messi won the UEFA finalissima on 6/1/2022 when he was 34 years, 343 days old. 343=7x7x7

Maradona died when the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, made Cardinal in 2013 by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Mario Aurelio Poli, was exactly 26,660 days old. Again, Francis is the 266th pope and 666 is the number of the beast 

Pope Francis will be 31,413 days old on 12/18 while Mario Aurelio Poli, successor of Francis as Archibishop of Buenos Aires will be 27,413 days old since they were born a span of 4000 days apart

Mario Poli was born 9101 weeks after the founding of Le Grand Orient

Pope Francis was born 1 day short of 11900 days after the founding of FIFA

Argentina won the World Cup ‘86 19109 exact weeks after the founding of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina

12/18 falls 4 years, 4 months, 4 days after the collapse of the Genoa’s Bridge in Italy on 8/14/2018

In Italy and Argentina the Pope is “Papa”

Pope comes from the Latin word Pontifex, maker of bridges, because he should be the bridge between man and God

The Genoa’s bridge collapsed on the eve of the San Francisco (Pontifex Franciscus) Bridge being 29,666 days from its inauguration and 19,909 days after the founding of the Church of Satan.

Football is not just a game, it’s a way elites have to signal future happenings, think about how the last World Cup before this one was held in Russia, and then we had the Russo-Ukrainian war. Noticed how ISIS went fairly silent since the Corona-Eclipse-Virus pandemic began? Maybe Qatar is the inauguration of a new chapter in the Islamic Terrorist saga. Coincidentally Osama Bin-Laden was allegedly killed by the men of Barack Hussein Obama 606 weeks, 6 days before the final

Big sport events are a way to curse and steal life energy from those who partecipate emotionally in this deadly charade which is, in this case, apparently just a football match. Those who are cursed the most are the people who bet their hard earned money, beware.


  1. Wow awesome decode 🙌 It was a great final 2-2 then penalty shootout. Messi finally wins a World Cup.


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