The Curious Case of Roberta Cowell
Roberta Elizabeth Marshall Cowell (8 April 1918 – 11 October 2011), born Robert Marshall Cowell, was a British racing driver and Second World War fighter pilot. She was the first known British trans to undergo sex reassignment surgery, on 15 May, 1951
Roberta Cowell before and after surgery
The vaginoplasty was performed by Sir Harold Gillies (17 June 1882 – 10 September 1960) a New Zealand otolaryngologist and father of modern plastic surgery. When he practiced sex reassignment surgery on Robert Cowell on 5/15/1951 he was 333 days after his last birthday and 33 days before his next birthday, in a clear masonic numeric ritual
Cowell was born on 4/8/1918 a span of 73,337 days from the foundation of the Grand United Lodge of London, date of formal birth of modern Freemasonry
73,337 days are exactly 66 months 666 weeks 66,666 days from the foundation of the Grand Lodge of London. This is remarkable given the fact that the date of the foundation of the Lodge, 6/24/1717, is exactly 66,666 days before the 20th century began on 1/1/1900
Roberta Cowell’s sex reassignment surgery was performed in England, the first sex reassignment surgery practiced in the country, it occurred exactly 666 months before the first babies to have been screened for faulty genes by Preimplantation Genetic Haplotyping (PGH) were born in London's Guy's Hospital, a breakthrough in eugenics
The PGD allows studying the DNA of eggs or embryos to select those that carry certain mutations. It is useful when there are previous chromosomal or genetic disorders in the family and within the context of in vitro fertilisation programs, it’s the result of decades of eugenics research, a treatment that is used for procedures performed on sex cells before fertilisation, changing the sex of the newborn before fertilisation.
Louise Joy Brown (born 25 July 1978) is an English woman who was the first human to have been born after conception by in vitro fertilisation experiment (IVF). Her birth, following a procedure pioneered in Britain, has been lauded among "the most remarkable medical breakthroughs of the 20th Century".
Roberta Cowell died exactly 1733 weeks after Louise Joy Brown was born
1733 is the 270th prime number
The sum of the divisors of 270 is 720
Brown was born 27 years 72 days after Cowell changed sex
1733 weeks are exactly 33 years 2 months 2 weeks 2 days
Cowell changed sex when she was 33 years 1 month 1 week 1 day of age
311 is 201 in octal base
Roberta Cowell was born on 4/8/1918 exactly 106 years before the second and last of the two Twin American Eclipses of 4/8/2024
The Twin American Eclipses ( also referred to as the Great American Eclipses by media) of 8/21/2017 and 4/8/2024, are separated by 2423 days or 6 years 6 months 6 weeks 6 days
Roberta Cowell would have been 66 years 99 days after her change of sex on 5/15/1951 during the first Twin American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, date with a primary numerology of 66 (8 + 21 + 20 + 17)
The eclipse ritual of masculine (Sun) and feminine (Moon) becoming One is esoterically visualised in the number 201
The pinnacle of the Alchemical Magnum Opus is the Rebis (Latin for res bina, dual matter), the conciliation of masculine and feminine in order to achieve the Divine Androgynus (spelled as in Latin instead of Androgynous)
interesting to say the least. good job