
2001: A Space Odyssey

The movie 2001:A Space Odyssey premiered in Washington D.C. on April 2, 1968 when Stanley Kubrick was 476 months, 7 days of age and exactly 18 weeks before the starting of the construction of the Twin Towers on 8/6/1968. 476 is the duodecimal of 666. 6+6+6=18. “2001 A Space Odyssey”=666 (Reverse Primes). Kubrick died on March 7, 1999, exactly 666 days before the 1st day of the year 2001. Arthur Clarke was born on 12/16/1917, when Stanely Kubrick died Clarke was 29,666 days old. The movie premiered in 1968 exactly 6666 days after the first day of the year 1950, the exact middle point of the XX century which began 66,666 days after the founding of the Grand Lodge of England, known as the date of birth of modern Freemasonry on 6/24/1717, the movie hints at Masonic themes and is seen as an initiation of the protagonist into higher mysteries The year 1968 began exactly 216 (6x6x6) months or 18 (6+6+6) years after the year 1950. “Kubrick”=68 Illuminati. The last full day alive of Arth

Anne Frank and the Trump dynasty

Elizabeth Christ Trump, German matriarch of the Trump family and Grandmother of former U.S. President Donald John Trump was 17776 days (or 17777 including the end date) of age for the birth of the German diarist Anne Frank, who would've been 36 years, 360 days of age for the death of "Elizabeth Trump"=666 (36th triangular number) on 6/6/66, who was 66 years, 36 weeks, 6 days of age for the publishing of "The Diary of a Young Girl" also known as "The Diary of Anne Frank". Anne Frank started writing her diary on 16 June 1942, 4 exact years before the birth of Donald "Trump"=222, born 22 months, 2 exact weeks after she wrote the last page of her diary that she began writing 22 months, 2 days before the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she died. Donald Trump and Anne Frank were born 6211 days apart from each other, 6211 is the 808th prime number, as 88, "Trump"=88 and "The Diary of Anne Frank" was publ

The Orange Man

Orange Man Bad is a meme used to mock critics of former President Donald Trump. The earliest known usage of the phrase "Orange Man Bad" comes from a general Trump thread on 4chan's /pol/ board on October 20th, 2016. They wrote, "RUNNING ORANGE MAN BAD GRABBING GREEN GIRL GOOD", this phrase is the alphanumeric anagram of “Donald J Trump” The meme began spreading 88 exact weeks after the release of the horror/comedy movie “The Orange Man” The movie came out in 2015, on the same year Trump announced his presidential campaign.  The film was released in U.S theatres on 2/13 as 213 The movie came out on a date with numerology 50, 23 and 14. Donald was born on 14. The film came out a  span of 121 days before Trump’s birthday And 245 days after his birthday 4 months, 3 days (43) before he announced he was going to run for president  As well as 90 weeks, 5 days (905) before he won the elections The movie has a running time of 1 h, 35 m, or 95 minutes Trump's

Clock Tower Struck by Lightning

A lightning struck the 104 stories tall One World Trade Center on 4/1/2023,100 months, 4 weeks (1004) after its opening in a similar fashion a lightning struck the Clock Tower in Back to the Future at exactly 10:04 on 11/12/1955, lightning that charged the DeLorean sending it to 88 mph, 808 months before the lightning struck the One World Trade Center The One World Trade Center's top floor is officially designated as floor 104, despite the fact that the tower only contains 94 actual stories. 10/4 is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Pope Francis, the first to call himself Francis, after the Saint of Assisi, and the first Pope belonging to the Society of Jesus Pope, left the hospital a day before the lightning struck the One World Trade Center a span of 187 days after the anniversary of the founding of the Society of Jesus and 187 days before 10/04, Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi The prime factorisation of 187 is 11x17 while 187th prime number is 1117 The event took place